Micronics has a full range of simple to install and accurate flow measurement solutions including:
As you would expect from the leading British manufacturer of portable "clamp-on" instruments and flow meters, Micronics has a comprehensive range of Portable Transit time and Doppler instruments for clean or dirty, contaminated liquid flow measurement. Micronics portables have always been regarded as the simplest to set-up and operate and this essential feature for portable instruments has been maintained throughout the range with great success.
A wide range of Fixed Transit time and Doppler "clamp-on" flow meters for Heat Meter and Liquid flow measurement including the unique U1000, factory preset, "clamp-on" alternative to traditional in-line Hot and Cold water meters. And the U4000/3000 now established as Micronics's "clamp-on" fixed meter solution for larger Building Services and Industrial applications incorporating the latest digital ultrasonic measurement technology to provide easier set-up and commissioning with enhanced accuracy and reliability in operation. Savings of up to 90% have been established for fixed meter installations in comparison to traditional in-line meter installations!
So if you need to know what's happening through investigation with a temporary, portable solution or need a permanent flow or heat measurement/metering solution a "clamp-on" alternative is a must consider option! And the first step is to visit Micronics at www.micronicsflowmeters.com