Saturday, February 15, 2025

How To Make Your Business More Water Efficient

Reducing the water usage and consumption of your business will only become more important as time goes on and the pressures of climate change, population growth, extreme weather events and ageing infrastructure are felt increasingly – and it’s essential that you start taking steps now to become more water efficient and reduce your company’s water footprint.

Water resources are finite and less than three per cent of the water on earth is actually fresh, so it’s vital that we all work together to become more eco-friendly when it comes to usage – and the good news is that there’s a lot that can be achieved in this regard.

The best way to make improvements to how you manage water resources is to gain a level of understanding of your current consumption, so you can see how and where you use water across your site, which then allows you to focus on key areas more effectively.

Taking regular meter readings is a good first step. Start by taking them at the start and end of every day so you can build up a picture of how much you’re using.

Alternatively, you could set up automated meter reading, which tracks your water flow every hour for ten years, so you can identify areas of weakness quickly, as well as spotting leaks as and when they occur.

You could also find water bill validation useful, with ongoing monitoring of your bills helping you to spot if your water consumption varies a lot. This could be down to something like a leak onsite or faulty equipment somewhere.

From here, you can arrange to have a water audit carried out across your premises to help you work out which water-saving strategies would be most appropriate.

In terms of actual solutions, there is a lot you can consider, whether you want to start by investing in water-saving devices such as automatic or spray taps, or dual flush toilets.

Fittings and fixtures can make a real difference to how much water you’re using and it also encourages your team members and colleagues to think more about how they use water, as well.

Looking into alternative water sources could also prove particularly effective, so consider the likes of greywater or rainwater recycling if you do want to reduce your reliance on mains water supplies.

Greywater is that which has been lightly contaminated through the use of showers, sinks, washing machines and so on, and it can be used for the likes of flushing toilets, irrigation and more, so could certainly be worth looking into.

Rainwater harvesting involves collecting the rain that falls on the roof of your buildings, filtering it and reusing it for laundry and process water, toilet flushing, vehicle washing and more. If you’d like to find out any more about any of the above, get in touch with SWS today.

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