What are your experiences with water recycling? Do you know what it is, or how it could work for your building?
Water recycling is becoming more widespread than ever before as organisations look to reduce their impact on our climate. Our climate is becoming warmer, and our population is growing, resulting in a surge of demand for drinking water supplies across the world. In the UK, regulations are also changing to ensure everyone considers a water recycling system for their new developments. We at Stormsaver are using this blog to help you prepare for more water recycling systems in your buildings and developments so we can all save water together!
Water Recycling is easier than you think!
There is a common misunderstanding that water recycling only occurs in large water treatment plants operated by utility companies. However, in the past 20 years more localised, onsite water recycling systems have become more popular in individual commercial and residential properties.
Onsite water recycling takes advantage of tried and tested technologies which captures water from a number of sources. Systems can either capture rainwater from roofs or greywater from hand basins, or a combination of both. Below is an overview of how each water recycling system works to save water.
Rainwater Harvesting: Overview
Exactly what it says on the tin! Rainwater is captured from the roof area of a building and diverted into a storage tank which reduces the chance of rainwater going straight to drain. The rainwater then passes through a range of filtration devices to ensure safety, before being boosted to non-potable usage points; helping you to save water!
Instead of relying on traditional drinking water to flush toilets, water gardens, wash vehicles, filtered rainwater can be used to help reduce water consumption. Stormsaver’s rainwater harvesting technologies are designed with complete reliability in mind, helping you to maximise savings across your facility. Check out our range here.
Exactly what it says on the tin! Rainwater is captured from the roof area of a building and diverted into a storage tank which reduces the chance of rainwater going straight to drain. The rainwater then passes through a range of filtration devices to ensure safety, before being boosted to non-potable usage points; helping you to save water!
Instead of relying on traditional drinking water to flush toilets, water gardens, wash vehicles, filtered rainwater can be used to help reduce water consumption. Stormsaver’s rainwater harvesting technologies are designed with complete reliability in mind, helping you to maximise savings across your facility.
Greywater Recycling: Overview
Greywater is essentially wastewater which comes from hand wash basins. Greywater should not be confused with black water which comes from toilets. Greywater recycling systems are designed to safely capture wastewater and recycle it for non-potable usage such as toilet flushing.
Greywater is ideal for sites such as hotels, apartments and student accommodation, where there are lots of showers and laundry to generate greywater for recycling.
Did you know we also offer greywater recycling systems? Stormsaver’s market leading greywater solutions uses unique membrane filtration technology to ensure high standards of water quality. We can also combine greywater systems and rainwater harvesting system to help you maximise savings.
The benefits of water recycling
Get 2 for the price of 1 with rainwater harvesting!
Rainwater harvesting is proven to be less carbon intensive than traditional drinking water, so you can save water and carbon! Read our handy carbon guide here.
Boost your sustainability credentials
By spreading the word that you are using onsite water recycling to save water, your customers and team members are bound to be impressed at your commitment to water conservation.
Support your local community
You will be helping to reduce stormwater run off and reduce pressure on localised water supplies.
We’re on hand to help you
Learn more about rainwater harvesting or greywater recycling or get in touch with our friendly team here.