CCS has a range of solutions to help you decarbonise your energy supply.
PurchasingREGOs (Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin) from our framework energy supplier will ensure that every unit of energy is traceable to a renewable energy asset. The Carbon Trust has to conduct a full audit of our electricity supplier's administration
and management of their REGOs to ensure no greenwashing/double counting. Edf passed the audit in full.
Entering into a long-term Corporate Power Purchasing Agreement (CPPA) allows you to purchase renewable energy from an asset over the grid, which then gets sleeved over to your energy supplier. CPPA allows budget certainty for 15-25 years and allows additionality by contributing towards the build of new renewable energy assets such as Wind farms and Solar PV parks. You can join CCS’ green basket by leveraging on CCS’ aggregation volume and credit worthiness to obtain value for money in PPA contracts, or you can enter into a PPA yourself.
CCS’ Heat Networks and Electricity Generation Assets (HELGA) agreement helps meet CNZ goals through consultancy for energy/carbon strategies, project design and feasibility of green and renewable energy projects - mainly focussing on solar power. Improvements
can be made to batteries, generators, heat pumps, combined heat and power, and heat networks to make them more energy efficient including lighting, building controls, fabric improvements etc.
Large scale energy efficiency retrofits are also available as well as Power Purchase Agreements for renewable energy and heat to make a significant step towards achieving CNZ.